суббота, 21 мая 2011 г.

keanu reeves constantine 2

keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves. Warner Bros.
  • Keanu Reeves. Warner Bros.

  • -aggie-
    Apr 29, 03:53 PM
    Me too. Given the theme i was already picturing myself as the marquee artist of the production ;)

    anyway, the situation right now is:
    eldiablo: 4 (dontpanic, chrmjenkins, aggie, ucfgrad)
    chrmjenkins: 1 (jav)

    not voted yet: Lbro, eldiablo

    not much room to maneouvre for eldiablo, except in deciding who to infect (if he hasn't done it already).

    so tomorrow should be 4 vs 1 (or 5 vs 1 if the hunter is successful). with everyone with equal chances of being wolfized.
    it's like starting a new game, a tricky one with two shots at finding the wolf

    I wasn�t the one who held up the night, since I gave my scan request to intell early, so I�m guessing one of the hunters is either not playing or not participating enough. Anyway, I�d appreciate the hunter protecting me from whoever gets infected.

    Feel free to recommend who you want scanned.

    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves, star of the
  • Keanu Reeves, star of the

  • citi
    Mar 31, 11:29 AM
    Does anyone know what the month view will look like with this new update to lion...screenshots please.

    Guaranteed it will look just like the iPad version, which I don't mind. I think iCal is probably one of my favorites apps on iPad.

    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves as Kevin Lomax in
  • Keanu Reeves as Kevin Lomax in

  • mBox
    Mar 8, 09:19 AM
    Love the show and will be watching all the re-runs but I suggest cancelling it.
    Its not going to be the same without him.
    Unless you can get Robert Downey to lower his status to TV.

    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves Films
  • Keanu Reeves Films

  • blissmonkey
    Apr 12, 03:09 PM
    Exactly in the same boat except my 3G has a shattered screen with bits of glass that has fallen off. It has gone through hell and back but, I decided to wait since June is only a short wait away. Now, supposedly its been pushed back to september and I am planning on getting a new phone in either june or july since I will have some extra cash and can move to verizon on a family plan. I dont want to get the 4 when the new one is right around the corner. So, this pushing back to september means I'll probably move to the Droid. Hopefully the announcement is still in june and these rumors are just to throw us off since the last iPhone announcement wasnt very exciting since we all knew what was coming.


    keanu reeves constantine 2. keanu nice
  • keanu nice

  • RTee
    May 4, 07:23 AM
    Maybe they're waiting to see what everyone else puts out!:rolleyes:

    keanu reeves constantine 2. Constantine. Posted by ePHOR
  • Constantine. Posted by ePHOR

  • Adidas Addict
    Apr 15, 03:09 AM
    I've been happily using my old iPhone 3G until a few weeks ago when my partner got herself an iPhone 4. I can't get over how fast it compared to my old chugger! So have had a bout of upgrade-itis since then. The white 4 looks amazing, just hope it gets released in the UK soon.


    keanu reeves constantine 2. CONSTANTINE 2 möglich
  • CONSTANTINE 2 möglich

  • hexonxonx
    Apr 16, 02:56 AM
    I love my AT&T iPhone 4 and 3GS. On the iPhone 4, upgrading to 4.3.1 was flawless with no problems. The 3GS started having battery drain. Within 6 hours, it would be at 60% with just a bit of usage. I would usually be at 60% after 24 hours. I downgraded to 4.1 where I was before. Nothing on 4.3.1 was worth upgrading to. I don't have a supported printer for air printing and for airshare, the only thing I can share back and forth to is my MBP.

    Any battery problems on this latest update?

    I have had a flawless experience with AT&T over the past few years and will remain with the next iPhone.

    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves
  • Keanu Reeves

  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 15, 02:43 PM
    if only. if only. but I can't see it happening. it's such a shame because I'd love to be able to use iChat

    NO one uses iChat because no one uses AIM. Its all crappy MSN!


    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves 2009
  • Keanu Reeves 2009

  • Apple Corps
    Apr 13, 09:02 AM

    None taken - I'm just posting a "citation" that comments on Apple's major role - might be accurate - might be wrong.

    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves Hairstyles
  • Keanu Reeves Hairstyles

  • yac_moda
    Jul 11, 07:21 PM
    Today magnesium Nanos means tomorrow ...

    ... transparent aluminum iPods !!!

    And I predict wireless disposable earphones :eek:

    So no one will EVER find anything interesting in MS products :p :D ;)


    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves Galleries
  • Keanu Reeves Galleries

  • gandalf55
    Jul 25, 09:29 AM
    Do any of the physical Apple stores have these yet? I'm in Boston and would like to pick one up :)

    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Charles Reeves
  • Keanu Charles Reeves

  • Southerner
    Jul 11, 04:48 PM
    Knowing Microsoft, the Argo probably will get ridden with viruses...


    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves as Kevin Lomax in
  • Keanu Reeves as Kevin Lomax in

  • iRobby
    Apr 15, 01:43 PM
    I think iMac overhaul is in the fall right after the back to school deals are over......

    Oh I would think that new computers would be a perfect fit in to back to school deals no? That is if the refresh not happening in the summer

    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves at the
  • Keanu Reeves at the

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 29, 07:48 AM
    It's actually 2.4 grams, which may not be a huge difference per se but in a product with such tight parts tollerance to me suggest differences in parts used. It may be the white casing, it may be a reshaped chassis or even a different chip. iFixit will tell.

    Thanks for catching that. 2.4g yes.


    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves at the
  • Keanu Reeves at the

  • samcolak
    Apr 22, 11:05 AM
    XNU is post 1996 merger. Mach pre merger was 2.9. Post merger is a mix of Mach 3.x with XNU and FreeBSD, plus Apple's own advances.

    Everyone who worked on OS X at Apple in Core Engineering was a merging of NeXT Engineering with some Apple Engineers and future talent. Apple bought NeXT for the IP, Code Bases, Tools, Engineering Talent and Leadership.

    BSD is not GNU.

    I think you are referring to IO Kit rather than XNU. Darwin (the core OS) features the Mach-O kernel that was created from the merger of BSD and a custom set of APIs coming from the NeXT era - XNU was the child of the merger so to speak (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_(operating_system). BSD was used to create the network and filesystem stacks.

    BSD is technically NOT what most consider true UNIX. Nowadays (post 1990s we are talking) consider System 5 as "true" unix. It is however viewed as a derivative featuring near-on all UNIX-like services.

    It was called System V (5) because of 5 original license holders - SGI, SUN, HP, IBM and Microsoft. (Yes Microsoft licensed Xenix from AT&T in the 1970's - from this came AmigaOS....) in 1982 Microsoft solds its license to SCO and then in 2003 brought it back again....

    Lastly, BSD evolved to POSIX and Linux came from that route...

    IF someone would like to see a SystemV manual (UNIX) please send an email..

    Some of us grew up on a PDP-11..... Scary thoughts... Nowadays im messing with Darwin and OpenDarwin builds :) Crashed a few MBP's rebuilding the kernel a couple of times....

    If anyone would like to see the code (and its available at apple although hidden.... see this link -> http://www.opensource.apple.com/release/mac-os-x-106/ - note that XNU is still under APPL and BSD licensing...)

    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves at the
  • Keanu Reeves at the

  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 30, 10:30 PM

    -aggie- is so called seer. I trust that. Chrmjenkins seems clean. I know I'm not. So it's him left. lbro as well, but I don't get that vibe from him.

    What vibe exactly am I not sending out? In all of the games I've played, I have never had a role other than plain ordinary villager. This game is no different.

    I agree that -aggie- and Chrmjenkins are most likely not wolves. Not sure about you or lbro. But you were awfully quick to single me out, which smacks of some hidden furriness on your part. So my vote is for you, jav6454.


    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves at the
  • Keanu Reeves at the

  • FloatingBones
    Dec 12, 11:03 PM
    it still wont run on hulu

    But the hulu plus service runs just fine (http://www.hulu.com/plus#devices) on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. There is no technical reason why regular hulu can't run on your iOS device. It's a financial decision by hulu.

    keanu reeves constantine 2. Keanu Reeves Wallpaper 2
  • Keanu Reeves Wallpaper 2

  • thirumalkumaran
    May 3, 07:46 AM
    Have you noted the mouse or trackpad is a choice now..
    IIRC mouse was compulsory and trackpad was additional...

    keanu reeves constantine 2. Photos - Keanu Reeves
  • Photos - Keanu Reeves

  • Jswoosh
    Apr 26, 12:19 AM
    So this tomorrow right? :p

    Ok I guess I'll have to wait another week. (Assuming this is accurate).

    Apr 26, 12:36 PM
    There will be a new product coming out for those that want a free product. It is called The Obamacloud. It will be free to everyone that is on foodstamps, social security and Medicare. The Chinese will underwrite the debt from the startup costs. The product will cost $25000 a month for those rich people because they can afford to subsidize everyone else and they should be willing to pay their share.

    Unfortunately, it won't be available until December 2012 because they will need to make sure you voted for the entitlement party first.

    Please keep partisan diatribes full of hyperbole and nonsense out of this forum. It's invaded too many aspects of our lives already--so please, give it a rest.

    Aug 15, 03:30 PM
    What's the next logical step in a computer interface? I used to say "Computer, show me the money" to open Quicken back in pre-OS X days. More of a gimmick than anything else, but imagine if the Finder and maybe even other apps became "speakable."

    Me: "Check mail"

    Computer: "You have nine new messages. Would you like me to read them?"

    Me: "No, thanks."

    (clicks on an email, reads message)

    Me: "Reply to this message"

    Computer: "Type or speak?

    Me: "Type"


    Me: "Computer, I'd like to add a photo of the kids to this email."

    Computer: "iphoto has 6,813 pictures of the kids, which one would you like?"

    Me: "One from the birthday party last week."

    Computer: (a strip from iphoto appears) "Here are 23 from last week. I've highlighted the one where your wife fixed the red eye. Is that the one you want?"

    Me: "Yes, that will be fine."

    Computer adds the picture to stationery in the email, other pictures go away.

    Me: "Send the email"

    Me: "...and order me a pizza."

    This kind of thing can't be too far off. A 75 mhz Performa could do it in a rudimentary way. Imagine what a modern Mac may be able to do. "Speakeasy" has a nice ring to it.

    I want mine to use the old-school Mac voice that Radiohead used in "Fitter Happier."

    Apr 14, 12:21 PM
    BGR seems to be getting pretty good at this. I wonder how they made such an accurate connection inside Apple....

    Apr 16, 10:04 AM
    or a troll or all of them.

    And now, lets get back to OS X.


    My only issue with Lion DP2 and the subsequent update is the animations (I sound like a broken record between this and iOS 4.3).

    Everything else is relatively solid thus far.

    Jul 28, 02:49 PM
    It will FAIL!!!!!!! Idiot M$:rolleyes:

    But just remember (and don't ever forget), it's not just a "ham sandwich", it's a "HAM Sandwich!" :lol:


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