воскресенье, 22 мая 2011 г.

jeff dunham achmed

jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Lord Blackadder
    May 2, 02:53 AM
    That's awesome. Tomorrow will definitely be a huge day of celebration in the US.

    Rather macabre, in my opinion...

    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 16, 10:31 PM
    Apple bought OS X too. :D

    I'm arguing that both were massive undertakings by both parties. My OS X example was tainted with sarcasm if you didn't catch the little :rolleyes: there.

    Both OS X and Chrome OS (and Android, and iOS) borrow heavily from others, either through acquisitions or from the open source community. To claim Google is any inferior here is just trying to stir the pot, especially calling the poster Troll, that is just insulting and uncalled for.

    Both companies deserve props from providing the software they do, neither deserves scorn that some posters here like to dish out.

    So what ? OS X is Mach/XNU, Apple didn't make that. It's also a GNU/Berkeley userland, Apple didn't make that either. Again guys, drop the non-sense competition, this thread is about a release of OS X, not some type of Google bashing contest.

    XNU is post 1996 merger. Mach pre merger was 2.9. Post merger is a mix of Mach 3.x with XNU and FreeBSD, plus Apple's own advances.

    Everyone who worked on OS X at Apple in Core Engineering was a merging of NeXT Engineering with some Apple Engineers and future talent. Apple bought NeXT for the IP, Code Bases, Tools, Engineering Talent and Leadership.

    BSD is not GNU.

    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • Waybo
    Apr 13, 08:51 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5227/5614995836_34cb024583_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/stefanctf/5614995836/)

    I like this. I see a commercial use for this one ... I don't know what the product would be, but I see it used in an ad for something.

    Here's mine for today: Public bathrooms in Cozumel, Mexico.


    ISO 400, 50mm, f/4.5, 1/1000

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 28, 10:01 AM
    So the iPhone went from being pummeled by Android to now just being badly beaten.

    That is Awesome.


    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 24, 04:55 PM
    Tuesday is coming, don't forget to bring a hat.

    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • Laird Knox
    Apr 28, 12:24 PM
    They can always try.
    Please can we have some rumors abour iOS5 maybe?

    Quick, somebody make up some rumors for the man. ;)


    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 28, 08:29 AM
    Really depends on yoru defintion of success. Popularity wise it's been successful (360 is helped solely by the fact it's the only HD player out there right now) but as far as the stock holders and business men are concerned it's been a debacle - they've lost hundreds of millions of dollars in the XBox and have still yet to see a single positve quarter, financially speaking, since it's inception.

    News Flash. The 360 does NOT play any HD. They are working on an add on HD DVD, but it is not out. Therefore no HD. So the sole thing that the 360 is helped by doesn't exist.

    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • SciFrog
    Oct 16, 08:55 PM
    With all of my machines (8) I am pulling 25k ppd. The '09 mac pro 2x2.66 is doing 4-5 min per frame for normal units - I'm afraid to change anything right now so I don't lose momentum.

    You should be able to pull 20k ppd with that machine only with the bigadv units...


    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • doctor-don
    Apr 24, 11:10 PM
    Not if they're grandfathered in! AT&T has stated in their proposal papers to the FCC that they're going to honor the T-Mobile plans in contract even if they upgrade phones.

    A T-Mobile rep told me the same thing. But he also said this process might take a year - IF it goes through.

    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Megakazbek
    Apr 13, 06:36 AM
    Waiting for you to change the tone when Apple comes out with widgets and custom personalization.
    You sound like I am against it.


    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • MacVault
    Nov 4, 06:28 AM
    That native partion support to use virtualization or dual booting would be awesome, having the best of both worlds (Boot Camp & Virtualization). I look forward to it!

    YES! That would be sweeeeet!

    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Jul 10, 10:22 AM
    If they add the "word processing mode", then that simultaneously renforces my gripes with it (see other threads), then negates them.

    It's an extra step in setting up a document, but I like the thought of it from a productivity standpoint. As long as there's no Clippy.


    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • zorinlynx
    Apr 11, 02:17 PM
    I want to see a Thunderbolt dock.

    Thunderbolt in on one side.

    On the other side, USB, eSATA, Firewire 800, Displayport out (for monitors), audio in/out, gigabit ethernet. Maybe even have space inside for an internal hard drive or two.

    This way, when you get home and want to use your laptop at your desk with external monitor, keyboard, etc.. just plug in two cables. Thunderbolt and power.

    This would be so awesome, and would pretty much eliminate the need for many of us to have a desktop machine.

    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • mdriftmeyer
    Jul 10, 08:15 PM
    As a frequent user of Pages 2, I would like more toolbars and less of the 'inspector' stuff, which to me is not as convenient.

    Get used to more Inspectors with Tab Views and less Toolbars. Cocoa apps are designed with Inspector Views.


    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • ciTiger
    Apr 26, 02:37 PM
    If it's 20$ a year with the whole mobile me plus this I would pay... Just for this I wouldn't...
    But I think this should be ofered free for a one or two year free for any new hard purchases... :D

    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • NathanMuir
    May 1, 10:24 PM
    Good news but I wonder what the scope of the reprisals will be?

    This does not look good for Pakistan/ ISI who just made a big deal about getting the US prescience out of the tribal region/ Pakistan. Wouldn't be surprised to learn that the senior leadership at ISI was trying to shield him.

    ABC News is reporting that US boots on the ground were responsible for the kill. It'll be interesting to learn where exactly he was killed.


    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • Moyank24
    Apr 28, 12:48 PM
    this is hard to dispute... :)

    although in fairness, a sandwich maker was/will be an important character of this adventure

    edit: at this point you should consider a temporary change of avatar

    The best I can do on short notice...

    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • tringo
    May 3, 08:47 AM
    The biggest question I have is whether the dual Thunderbolt will support 2 external monitors.

    Imagine a triple 27 inch setup! (Brain explodes at thought)

    jeff dunham achmed. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • rdowns
    Feb 25, 10:38 AM
    Poor Jon Cryer. :D

    Apr 28, 04:19 PM
    I LOLed. Episode was a bit too silly IMO.

    A bit?? :D

    Apple OC
    Apr 24, 07:24 PM
    If he still has "parts" down there ... he belongs in the Men's washroom

    Apr 24, 02:19 AM
    Just release a GSM/CDMA every-band iPhone 5, and sell it off contract as well. Virgin Mobile USA customers are going to orgasm for that.

    Apr 11, 02:23 PM
    Not sure if I would consider "AJA, BlackMagic, and Promise" to be "industry demand." :) I'll give ya Promise.

    I would think having names like Western Digital, Sony, HP, Maxtor, Iomega, and Seagate a lot more proof that TB is being adopted. USB 3.0 has been gaining momentum by leaps and bounds over the past year.

    I have a feeling TB is going to be the next Firewire: sure, it works, but USB is so much more dominant at basically the same speeds. But I don't really care at the end of the day...just something much much faster than USB 2.0 for my hundreds of gigs of data that I copy/move around a bit.

    And yes, for the true true true speed fans that need the best of the best of the best in their profession...sure, buy what you need.

    Jul 24, 08:46 PM
    this sounds very interesting and futuristic. i wonder how you click, or make a selection. it would be pointless if you could scroll wothout touching the screen, but had to touch it in order to click on the scroll wheel.
    im excited though! sounds cool!

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